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Summer Camp Pricing

Spirit Technique offers the following options for Summer Training Day Camps for children 4-12 years old.


    Full-Day, 2024 Summer Camp: Camp opens at 6 am and closes at 6 pm. Parents may drop off or pick up their children at any time within those hours. This camp option requires full payment prior to May 15, 2024, and is non-refundable. This camp option is $1,499 plus tax per child and includes one tumbling class per week during summer camp enrollment. 


    Full-Day, Per Week-Summer Camp: For weekly participants, camp opens at 7 am and closes at 5 pm. Parents may drop off or pick up their children at any time within those hours. Spirit Technique's Full-Day, Per Week-Summer camp is a non-refundable registration fee of $149 per week per child if paid by May 15, 2024. Students registered on May 16, 2024 or later will be charged a non-refundable registration fee of $189 per week, per child. Registration must be submitted the Wednesday prior to the week of attendance.


    Full-Day, Per Day-Summer Camp: This option is not available at this time. Registration will open May 5, 2024 pending availability.  For Day camp participants, camp opens at 8 am and closes at 4 pm. Parents may drop off or pick up their children at any time within those hours. Spirit Technique's Full-Day, Per Day-Summer camp is a non-refundable registration fee of $39 per day per child if paid by May 15, 2024. Students registered on May 16, 2024 or later will be charged a non-refundable registration fee of $49 per day, per child.


    Dates: The first day of Spirit Technique's Training Day Camp will be Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Camp will end on Friday, August 2, 2024.


    Closures: In observance of the below holidays, camp will be unavailable on

    • Monday, May 27, 2024 for Memorial Day
    • Wednesday, June 19, 2024 for Freedom Day / Juneteenth
    • Thursday, July 04, 2024 for Independence Day / 4th of July


    Example Schedule: 

    6-8:30 a.m. Quiet time, games, coloring, and movie

    8:30-10:15 a.m. Training in cheer, gymnastics, ninja, trampoline

    10:15-10:30 a.m. Restroom break and wash hands

    10:30-11 a.m. AM Snack

    11-12 p.m. Open Gym

    12-1 p.m. Lunch and quiet time

    1-3:15 p.m. Stations and learning activities

    3:15-3:30 p.m. Restroom break and wash hands

    3:30-4 p.m. PM Snack

    4-5 p.m. Conditioning, flexibility, body shaping

    5-6 p.m. Indoor play, quiet times, games, coloring, and movie


    Meals: Students may bring their own lunch and snacks or purchase lunch and snacks for $5 each day. Lunch will include a sandwich, fruit or vegetable, chips, and a drink. 


    Call / text us at 901-730-1012 to get your child set up for fun today!

    2024 Summer Camp

    • Early Drop Off Option: Parents who drop their children off before their scheduled time will be charged based on the below. Early drop off fees must be paid at the time of drop off. Students will not be allowed to be dropped off if fees are not submitted at the time of drop off. 

      • $10 per child per day for 6 to 30 minutes early
      • $15 per child per day for 31 to 60 minutes early
      • $20 per child per day for 61 to 90 minutes early
      • $25 per child per day for 91 minutes to 120 minutes early 

      Late Pick-Up Option: Parents who pick their children up more than 5 minutes after scheduled pick up time will be charged a late pick up fee as below. Late pick-up fees must be paid at the time of pick up. Students with outstanding late pick-up fees will not be allowed to attend future registered dates until the late fee is paid. 

      • $10 per child per day for 6 to 30 minutes late
      • $15 per child per day for 31 to 60 minutes late
      • $20 per child per day for 61 to 90 minutes late
      • $25 per child per day for 91 minutes to 120 minutes late

      After a student is picked up late or dropped off early 3 times they will be required to be registered for the camp option that they have extended to before being allowed to attend future camp dates.

      If a child is left for more than 120 minutes without communication from their parent or emergency contact Spirit Technique will contact the authorities for additional support. 

    • General information:

      • Summer Camp opens at 6 a.m.
      • Children must be picked up by 6 p.m.
      • Half-Day Campers will opt for mornings (6 a.m. to 12 p.m.) or afternoons (12 p.m. to 6 p.m.) This option will become available May 1 if spots are still available.
      • Names must be marked on all personal items. Spirit Technique is NOT responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.
      • In an effort to better suit children during activities and playtime, we will be dividing campers into age groups. Siblings who would like to stay together would go with the younger of the two groups.

      Camp Fees:

      • If paid in full, camp for a full-day camper is $1,499. The paid-in-full discount for a half-day camper is $985. (Pay-in-full covers care from May 30, 2024 until August 2, 2024)
      • If paid week-to-week,
        • a full-day camper is $149/wk prior to May 15, 2024, and $189/wk after May 15, 2024
        • a half-day camper is $125/wk prior to May 15, 2024, and $245/wk after May 15, 2024
      • Discounts will not be given for missed days.
      • If week-to-week, parents may select in advance which weeks they will participate. They will only be charged for those weeks.
      • Automatic charges will occur at approximately 6 a.m. the Friday morning prior to the start of the week.
        • Example: If you are enrolled for the week of June 3-7, your weekly fee will be automatically charged to the card on file on the morning of May 31.
      • Parents will be notified by noon if the card on file is unable to be charged. In order to reserve the child’s spot for the following week, payment will need to be completed by 5 p.m. the Friday prior to the start of the week.
      • Payments must be up to date in order for a child to participate.
      • For payments made in full, cash or charge is accepted.
      • For weekly payments, cash or card on file is accepted. Cash must be paid by the close of business on Thursday so your card is not automatically charged.
      • Because your child will hold a slot in our program, no refunds will be issued at any time.
      • Refunds are not available for students who have paid for the summer in full.
      • Refunds are not available for students who have paid for weekly or daily registration.

      Snacks and Meals:

      • Breakfast will be included for any students who arrive by 7:30 a.m. Healthy snacks will be included in the morning and afternoon. Snacks are also available for purchase at the front desk at designated times throughout the day. 
      • Lunch is served at noon. Students may bring their own lunches or opt for a bag lunch for $6. A bag lunch will include a sandwich, a fruit or vegetable, chips, and a drink.
      • A snack will be provided by Spirit Technique each day. Campers may also bring their own snacks or put money on their accounts to purchase snacks at the front desk. 
      • Parents may place restrictions on their child’s snack accounts by notifying our staff.
      • Water will be available with all meals and throughout the day.
      • Parents may add credit to their child’s lunch and snack account by notifying our staff.
      • A t-shirt is included with all pay-in-full registrations. 

      Dress Code:

      • All clothing should be comfortable and weather-appropriate. Please remember air conditioning can get a little chilly first thing in the mornings.
      • K-4th grade parents: Please send your child with a backup outfit on their first day to be left at Spirit Technique throughout the summer. This outfit will be worn if they ever have an accident or get dirty. Outfits will be sent home with parents on the final day of camp. Clothing not picked up by Sept. 1 will be donated.


      • Appropriate behavior and language are expected at Spirit Technique.
      • Rules will be clearly stated by staff members. Our goal is to always use redirection and positive reinforcement. At times, time outs and quiet time may be required for children who need some additional space and calming.
      • Students who demonstrate physical violence or blatantly vandalize property may be removed from the program.
      • For minor situations, parents will be notified at the end of the day. If the problem persists or additional assistance is needed, a parent will be called during the day.

      Release of Participants:

      • All children must be signed in and out by a parent or authorized pick-up contact each day. A government-issued photo ID may be required if someone is picking up with whom our staff is not familiar.
      • Only those designated to pick up a child are allowed to pick up.
      • If someone else is picking up your child, we will ask that you complete an “Add a Contact” form in advance.


      • A child may not receive medication of any kind unless it is required by a doctor.
      • Parents/guardians must place medicine in a Ziploc bag with the child’s name, dosage, and frequency. Medication must be provided in the original container with pharmacy/doctor instructions and labels.


      • Please inform the director immediately if your child develops any of the following symptoms:
        • Fever
        • Cough
        • Redness of the eyes or itchy eyes
        • Sore throat or hoarse voice
        • Rash
      • Children with these symptoms will not be allowed to attend camp until they are 24 hours free of symptoms or have a doctor’s note.
      • Additional hand-sanitizing measures and social distancing will be monitored and enforced throughout Summer of 2024.

      Outdoor Information:

      • Please send one bottle of spray sunscreen with your child on the first day. (SPF 50 or above)
        • We will provide liquid sunscreen for faces.
          • If your child has an allergy to certain sunscreens, please provide your own facial sunscreen.
        • The bottles will be shared with everyone. If your child has sensitive skin or requires a higher SPF, please attach a note and label the bottle with your child’s name.
      • We will notify you in advance of outdoor water days. Please send the following with your child on these days:
        • Water clothing
        • Water shoes or shoes that may get wet
        • Towel
      • All activities will take place at Spirit Technique. 

      If you have questions regarding these policies, please do not hesitate to call us at 901-501-6618 or email us at

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