Hi! My name is Coach Shanna. I am the owner of Spirit Technique. I've noticed that we get a lot of repeating questions when we speak with parents. Though we definitely don't mind answering them, since it gives us the opportunity to get to know you, I wanted to answer some of them in a "Question of the Week" blog. My hope is that this will allow us to spend more time getting to know each other as part of the Spirit Technique village. wink, smile

Let's jump in. This week's question of the week is:
Do you offer competitive gymnastics /cheerleading?
Yes, yes we do offer competitive cheer and gymnastics. But pump your breaks, boo. Ma'am are you really ready to make a commitment to a cheer or gymnastics program with an organization you have never been to. Let's make better decisions.
Spirit Technique offers a trial as the first step to considering all of our programs. Why? Well, everyone ain't for everyone, and though we welcome everyone, we know that we may not be the best fit for everyone. We want to make sure that we are a great fit for you, and you are a great fit for us. During the trial we get to know you, your little and your extended village. Yep, we are nosey. We want to know that your core values align with ours, and we want you to be sure that we align with your intentions of how you want your child to be raised, encouraged, supported, etc.
What does this have to do with our competitive programs?

Through our cheer 101 recreational class your child will get the opportunity to learn about cheerleading. Did you know that there are many types of cheerleading?
Stomp and Shake
Acro and Tumbling
We want to make sure that your child and you are aware of Spirit Technique's approach to cheerleading and training. Why? Well, I've been with organizations where parents don't want to stress their children out, so they don't want to compete. I don't get it, but hey, do you boo. At Spirit Technique our littles love to compete. They love to sweat. They love to feel the improvements. So, when we say tight, they tighten up. When we run 4 counts in the routine for 15 minutes, they understand it is to make sure we are on the right count, arms aren't swinging all over the place, and energy is being served. So, you see that trial is so worth it. Why commit to an entire 6 months to a year of competitive cheer just to find out little Sally does not care about how clean the routine looks and refuses to do her tumbling on count. Girl, sign her up for basket weaving.

What about competitive gymnastics?
Like competitive cheer, we want to make sure that your little understands what Simone, Gabbie, and Jordan have had to do to get where they are. We want to make sure that the style of competitive gymnastics that your child is interested in aligns with what we compete, power tumbling and trampoline. Because like cheer there are multiple genres of gymnastics
Power tumbling
Traditional: Floor, Vault, Beam, Bar
Unlike our competitive cheer program where everyone makes a team, our competitive gymnastics program is invited only. No, no you cannot just walk in the door and sign up for competitive gymnastics. No, no you cannot just offer to pay us money and we place your child on our competitive team. No, no you cannot just have a talented child and we endure them not coming to practice, not giving 100% or you not being engaged as part of the village. Nope, we want none of that in our competitive power tumbling and trampoline gymnastics program.
What we do want is commit families. When you do the trial and become a member we are about to learn if your commitment level aligns with what is needed to be a successful competitive gymnast. We look at if you arrive on time, do you come to most of your practices, do you miss class, does your family engage with staff and other village members, is your child giving 100%, this is not equal to them being talented - fact is we can train talent past those who are lazy in their gift. When we are considering members for our competitive team, we are considering members that will add to the culture that we currently have, not take from it. Boo, we not here just for the social media photo opts, we are here to put in this work. To help our littles learn what it is to set crazy goals, and break them down to achievable accomplishments.
Do you have a question you about cheer, gymnastics, or ninja? Or maybe a question about Spirit Technique? Post your questions in the comments, and we'll follow up.
We would love for your child to join our village at Spirit Technique. To learn more visit joinspirit.net .